There are a few exercises that put a lot of pressure on your wrists like push-ups, yoga, or weight lifting. To find out how to relieve the pain that might come with doing these exercises, keep reading or watch the full video HERE.

Wrist Pain Management
Wrist pain can be caused by doing exercises where your hands are planted on the ground. People who experience this the most are doing exercises like push-ups, yoga, or doing handstand related activities where their wrists are bent back. This can even happen to people who lift weights, do kettlebell exercises, or do anything that puts a lot of stress and pressure on wrists. Trying out a few pain-relieving exercises will help you to perform better and learning how to prevent severe wrist pain could help you avoid developing things like bone spurs. But if you’ve already gotten a bone spur, there are still some steps that you can take to address it and get back to exercising and doing the things that you love.
If you have severe issues, you definitely want to contact a Physical Therapist who can guide you and give you the best course of action. If you need this kind of help, you can call or text “WRIST PAIN” to our office at 301-900-3226 so that you can get immediate attention.
Progressive Wrist Pain
A lot of people who have wrist pain might be using weights like kettlebells and doing other types of activities where their hands are planted. These exercises can cause the challenge of repetitive stress to your wrists. There are a couple things that you can do to avoid getting into one of the more severe states of this issue. It starts off usually with having some wrist pain on the back of your wrists in certain areas. The undue repeated stress from these activities can cause inflammation and muscle tenderness due to muscle overuse and tendonitis. From there it can develop a bone cyst or a hard mass on your wrists.

Sometimes it can develop an actual bone cyst that’s filled with fluid and may increase in size at different points in time. A bone spur is going to be harder than a bone cyst. A bone spur is caused by a development of bone as the bone is trying to repair the stress injury that’s happened to it. This can happen overtime when you’re doing exercises like push-ups, mountain climbers, or handstands. If you’re not careful and start getting pain there because there’s too much stress on one part of your wrist, stop and try these exercises to get your wrist to the point of being pain-free again.
How to get immediate relief from wrist pain:
Change the wrists’ position of your form during your exercise. This will be good for whenever you're doing any activity where your wrists are bent back. By changing where the pressure is being applied on your wrists can relieve certain bones in your wrists to help you relieve stress in that area and prevent you from getting to the worst case scenario. Be sensitive to your wrists while exercising so that you can change and alter the position of your wrists when you’re doing the activity so that the force is not overwhelming you. When you do this you’re preventing the over stressing of your wrists.
If you already have a lot of wrist discomfort, depending on your scenario, one of the things that might be able to help you is doing some distraction. This will allow you to create more space in your joint. Maybe you’ve been feeling some limited wrist mobility, meaning you can’t move your wrist all the way back anymore. Because of the development of that bone mass, you could have limited range of motion. Something that you can do that is helpful is taking your fingers and hand and wrapping them around your wrist to do some distraction. This will temporarily relieve your pain, but it depends on how developed the bone mass is. This will also be something great you can do for your post-workout recovery process as an activity to recover yourself after wrist exercises.
If you’ve gotten to the point of a bone spur on your wrist, contact a Physical Therapist to help guide you towards the right steps for alleviating this issue.

Trying out these exercises will help you to
relieve your pain, be able to do these exercises longer, and improve any discomfort that you have when you’re doing certain activities. If these exercises don’t help you, there may be some other factors contributing to your wrist pain. It may not necessarily be a bone mass, but if you’re being challenged with this severe wrist pain it would be most helpful to talk to a Physical Therapist who can give you exercises that will be helpful for you.
If you have specific questions, are unsure about the wrist pain that you’re having, or need help in relieving your wrist pain from someone who cares and actually knows what they’re talking about, you can call or text “WRIST PAIN” to 301-900-3226 so that we can help you relieve your pain.