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How to Squat without Knee pain: Key Secret & Fundamentals

Do your knees hurt when you’re squatting? What we’re going to share is a simple and easy technique that can actually prevent having knee pain especially if you’re in pain right now. Click here to watch the full video to get rid of your pain or keep reading.

When you try this trick you’ll be able to squat again and be able to address your knee pain without having to stop going to the gym or exercising, so this is going to be really beneficial for you.

Causes of Knee Pain

There are a lot of reasons why people have knee pain, one of them being stress on your knees or lifting weights that are too heavy for you. This can cause a lack of stability or support that your muscles are able to give to your joints which causes your knee pain. Sometimes the cause can be because you don’t have the right form or the weakness can be coming from your hips.

A Quick Way to Reduce Your Knee Pain:

Alter your form - this will prevent the stress that you’re putting on your knees. When you’re squatting, make sure that your knees aren’t passing your toes because when you do this you’re overworking the wrong muscles and putting a strain on your hips. When you’re in this position, your hips don’t have enough leverage to help you rise back up. This new technique could even help you when getting in and out of chairs.

First, you want to reach your bottom back, you should feel some tension in your hamstrings, this will get you more activation from your hips. People mostly only rely on their quads when squatting, but when you reach your bottom back you get more coordinated movement from your hips and knees. This will give you a better bounce when you’re squatting and moving your weight back and forth from the lower to upper position. When you do this you reduce a lot of stress on your knees

If you want more resources on how to stay pain-free, fit, and mobile, give us a call or text “KNEE PAIN” to our office at 301-900-3226.


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