Losing weight is not an easy thing to do, but there are things you can do right now to make big changes to your health. Keep reading or watch the full video HERE.

How can I be healthier?
If you want to start reaching your health and fitness goals and overall live a healthier life, you can implement a few new strategies so that you can have the healthy body that you’re aiming towards.
3 things that you can do RIGHT NOW to improve your health:
The Sit to Stand Challenge - This is really helpful because a lot of us don’t realize that there are simple everyday exercises that we are already doing that could help us live a healthier life. Standing up from your chair actually requires a lot of energy in terms of the amount of calories that it burns. You can try this by taking out your phone and setting a timer for every hour during your work day. When the timer goes off, stand up and sit down 20 to 50 times. This is a really great way to increase your endorphins which are your body’s natural hormones that alleviate pain, bring comfort, and elevate your mood. You can also do this to improve your circulation and reduce your stress levels because exercise helps relieve stress.
Going up and down the stairs - This is another great exercise that you can use to improve your health right now and move the needle forward when it comes to your weight loss. You can practice this by going up and down the stairs repeatedly during your work break or choosing to use the stairs instead of the elevator. Don’t underestimate the power of going up and down the stairs repeatedly. If you do this 2 to 3 times a day, it’ll get your heart pumping, help improve your circulation, and strengthen you.
Going for a walk - Going for a walk is really powerful, especially if it’s long or brisk, because you’ll be able to go outside to get some sunlight. Going outside alone will give you a lot of Vitamin D, which is great for your health. But also, here’s the best part – you can find a way to merge your health and fitness goals with other things that are important to you in your life.
We encourage people to integrate their physical fitness with someone that they love or care about. Maybe you have a sibling that you want to spend more time with or a spouse, friend, or significant other. Not only will this help you start your journey, but it will also help you build yourself and have a good investment in other areas of your life. Here’s how you can do this. If you want to go for a 30-minute walk, invite someone to go with you.

The reason why this is going to make a difference is because when it comes to doing these activities that produce good health benefits, having something else in place around the activity causes you to stick to the activity. For example, if you want to work out but it’s hard for you to get started or stay consistent, try working out with friends. This is going to be helpful because you were likely going to spend time with your friends anyway but now you’ve paired it with working out so the next time you may be more likely to work out because it’s an opportunity to hang out with your friends. You’ve attached something that will benefit you physically to something that is valuable and meaningful to you, so it’ll be easier to stay consistent and do the activity more.
Pair your exercises with something that you’ve been meaning to do like listening to a podcast or hanging out with friends to increase the likelihood of you repeating this exercise. If we can help you to get your journey started and move forward in your fitness journey, call or text “WEIGHT LOSS” to our office at 301-900-3226.